This webinar aimed at increasing student understanding and awareness of basic Australian Law, hosted by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Canberra. The topic of the discussions will be on the Australian legal guidelines that are related to the daily life of Indonesian students, including: visa and residency, custom and quarantine, property and others.
Mr Konfir Kabo, the Managing Partner of Kabo Lawyers will be presenting on the topic of Visa and Residency, Quarantine and Property Law.
Please refer to this link
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 891 330 5359
Passcode: EasyCbr#
14.00-14.10: Remarks by H. E. Mr. Yohanes Kristiarto Soeryo Legowo
14.20-1430: Online Registration Program for new students by the Consular team
14.30-15.15: Presentation on basic Criminal-Civil Law and Family Law" by Lydia Santoso (With questions and answers)
15.15-15.45: Presentation on basic Visa, Risidency, Quarantine and Property Law, by Konfir Kabo (With questions and answers)
15.45-16.00: Presentation on Study success in Australian Univesity by the Attache of Education (With questions and Answers)