Indonesia's Foreign Minister Retno L.P.Marsudi recently presented the Hassan Wirajuda Pelindungan Award, also known as the Hassan Wirajuda Protection Award (HWPA), to 22 deserving recipients. The award serves as a token of appreciation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for those who have provided protection and assistance to Indonesian citizens living abroad. The ceremony was held on 9th January, 2023, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
We are proud to share that Mr. Konfir Kabo from our firm was among the honorees who received this prestigious award. The HWPA is a testament to the outstanding efforts of individuals and organisations in safeguarding the well-being and welfare of Indonesians living outside of their homeland.
As a recipient of the HWPA, Mr. Kabo joins a distinguished group of individuals who have demonstrated a deep commitment to promoting the rights and welfare of Indonesian citizens living abroad. We are honored to have Mr. Kabo's remarkable achievements recognized by the Indonesian government, and we look forward to his continued efforts in serving the community.